Hello my dear friends. I have to admit that I just came from the pub and I had completely different plans about my evening, but I had a revelation today that I need to share... So, I am sitting at Jack the Ripper, one of the nice pubs in Hanover, together with a Sri-Lankan couple which are my new friends here. Things are nice in general, we already had some wine at a restaurant, we found a nice corner at the bar, I am on my second Guinness, and we are chatting. I don't know how it occurred but for a moment we are at the 'relationships' chapter when my male Sri-Lankan friend (let's call him 'T' for the sake of simplicity ...and privacy!) drops the line that starts it all:
And my female Sri-Lankan friend (we call her 'K') adds..
K: Which I find preferable because I don't want to complicate my life more..
You can imagine that my instant reaction was:
M: And what is the 'traditional' approach?
K: Well, the parents will give the date and time of birth of the future husband and wife to an 'expert' who will tell them if it will work out.
M: And how will he know exactly? (of course I couldn't resist to ask...)
T: He will evaluate if the personalities and the sexual desire match and he will approve or discourage the marriage, accordingly.
K: In the past weddings were settled only by these experts and the families, but nowadays the couples can get together before the wedding chat, so they can also see if they like each other...
T: But what is for sure is that the person we marry is our first and only companion...
T: You see, here in Europe you live with a person 2-3 years to 'try', while we trust the people with experience to tell us... And divorce rates are extremely low in our country...
I don't know if the reproduction of the dialogue is enough for you to get the point, but for me being there and feeling these two people being one for the other FOREVER, it was a shock... I instantly needed another Guinness and of course I couldn't help asking stupid questions about everyone who is different and some of us that can be VERY different. There were not many things to discuss from their side (a pattern that is standard in our meetings), but I just tried to mumble fuzzy concepts about individuals who would not fit to the monogamy model, the possibility that the 'expert' would go wrong, about the natural-born gays, lesbians and nymphomaniacs and all these things that seemed so strange and distant to them.
Then I came back home and I started to write this post. In parallel I confirmed what they told me about the low divorce rates; in fact 0.15%, even though they come with one of the highest female suicide rate... I read about their BC tradition of a 9 planet solar system and I was impressed about their history...Then I said to myself:
Social structures are the result of a tendency to make things work for the majority, always given the geographical, political, economical, etc context. And they are everywhere, in Sri Lanka, US, Europe, you name it. Rules, religions, traditions, perceptions and attitudes. They emerge through our combined behaviors and become obsolete if they don't reflect what we desire from life. In the meantime, some people definitely suffocate in them ... They may be isolated, exterminated or just unfulfilled...
The point that I made today was what I could see in my friends eyes, and what reminded me this that I have always found funny in these older cultures (or societies, nations, etc whatever you name it)... people rarely starve for 'freedom'...
Any ideas why?
1 comment:
The divorce rate could be low 'cuz Divorce is considered a taboo in most South Asian countries.
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