Dear friend...
I decided to write to you because during the last months many things are being discussed about me and my country, but nobody let's me get into the discussions. If you happen to be German I also live close to you (Hannover) and I don't feel very well when I hear that they tell you about me. I thought that maybe you would like to listen to my opinion, it could give you another perspective... If you have any doubts please don't hesitate to contact me and I encourage you to confirm what you will read here from other sources.
Everybody knows that Greece has financial problems and some people may tell you that other countries have as well and there is a crisis of the capitalist system overall... But I don't want to discuss about that. Let's assume that Greece is the only country close to bankruptcy on the planet right now and I have to tell you that I am feeling very ashamed for that. They tell you that Greek people are corrupt and lazy and they only party with your money and now it's time for them to pay. And this is completely unfair and I will explain you why...

First of all the debt of Greece is public and not private, the private debt of Greece is much smaller than in most other European countries and even in the world. Greek people are definitely not lazy and they take care of their home and businesses, like you do. They are proud like you and they don't like to live on other people's money and that's why they are careful. If you happened to visit Greece you probably saw a poor, chaotic, south European, beautiful country and I am sure that you also saw people running their businesses well, cleaning their houses every day and cooking their food with passion. I am sure that you didn't see a bunch of lazy, corrupt bums, partying with no tomorrow like they tell you.
I will remind you also that Greece has been consistently one of the last countries in the EU, during the last decades and what the people have been living was far from paradise. You can understand it from all the indicators of economic freedom, from the percentage of the people above 30 living with their families and the low fertility rate, which between the lines reads 'no job, no perspectives, no stability, no plans for the future'. And they have been trying hard all these years, the old to support their families and the young to study and educate themselves, in favorable conditions. I know that it is difficult for you to understand it because you grew up in a system that was maybe pushing you, but was providing you several things. If you were in Greece you would have to try all the time, without expecting any justice, or recognition.

But still Greek people have been trying hard to be like you. You may have seen that from your Greek friends in the University who don't do so bad I guess. You may not know that Greek families have to pay thousands of euros every year for private supportive lessons of English, Math, Physics, etc to complement the inefficient education system. I will remind you also that several decades ago Greek emigrants came to your country, worked hard, learned your language and habits and and became part of your society without creating serious problems. Now, a new wave of emigration has started and your country will receive hundreds of highly educated young people without spending a dime on their training. So please don't let them accuse me because we are normal people like you are and we have been through hard times ...before the hard times expected to come!
So who is to blame? The fact that Greece has been ungoverned for decades, that there is no institution that is working, no justice, no planning, nothing. For decades... This is the corruption in Greece; normal people have NO RIGHTS, but the stronger pariahs of the political parties have total immunity when they steal or even kill. And this is what I want to discuss with you and to cry for help, if you want...
They say that every nation has the government it deserves, but in Greece it is not so simple as it seems and I will explain you why. Greece has suffered a civil war after the second world war, on which the 'British sphere of influence concept' had a lot to do. Then was a CIA driven military coup in the 60s, and both events opened wounds that have not healed since then, even though 'democracy' came in the end of the 70s. All these recent events have destroyed the political structure in the country and have established a 'sick' system... There is no democracy because the voters' only options are 2 parties (plus the 5% nationalist, Christians and 5% Stalinist communists). The names in the parliament have been the same from the 50s till now, people have no power to change anything and this is probably a unique situation for Europe. And external political destabilization is very easy to do, you may know about Latin American and African countries. Once the system deviates, it is difficult to bring it back....
All the politicians and their friends and relatives have been plundering the country's wealth for decades; without representing the Greek people, and having full immunity for their actions. What Italians rejected in last weeks referendum (Berlusconi's immunity) is the norm in Greece... Nobody can touch them! Even if they are openly involved in scandals, if they degrade the future of this country, if they are getting rich when Greece is collapsing. Now they try to convince your politicians that they 'control the situation', but in fact the people don't want them anymore. Despite most European countries there has been no referendum for any crucial matter the past 20 years. We need a referendum whether we want them to govern, and I know the answer: DEFINITELY NO!

Tonight they are voting (and they are going to pass) the new support/austerity package and 1 million people will demonstrate in front of the Greek parliament in Athens. And they are not demonstrating for the austerity measures. THEY ARE DEMONSTRATING AGAINST THE POLITICAL PARTIES! We want to make sacrifices, but we don't trust our politicians. They are not Greek, they are traitors, parts of elites, who showed up one day and had a seat in the parliament. We are willing to make sacrifices, and we acknowledge our responsibility. But during the last year of austerity measures which paralyzed the country, none of the people involved in large scale scandals were touched. We are desperate for justice, people will not back down unless the ones who stole, or acted against the country will be punished. This is the only way that our country can get back in the right track again.
And this is where I need you help... All those years with the EU, we traveled, met and enjoyed each other's company. We like Europe, we have felt it that it is better that way. As I told you the situation has not been good for me and now it is really bad. And I am feeling very bad, ashamed and humiliated. I can't sleep at night. Unfortunately, you are asked to pay taxes to support Greece, because some 'experts' say that it will still be better for you (and all of us) that way'. I am not the person to argue on that, personally I would fell more descent to leave the euro-zone and walk my own way. Apparently again I have no choice...
But before you pay, just make sure where you give your money and for what reason. If you have to pay taxes for the present Greece don't do it. If you feel that the European Union is something precious that should solve the problems and be preserved, please help me on the actual problem. And if you feel rage about the sacrifices you have to do, please don't simply 'blame the Greeks', but search a little bit more. There are huge scandals, obvious people responsible. Please help me pass this message through:
The Greek people are asking desperately for help. We need to reset out political situation. We are in a dead-end. Military coups can fall with public reaction and the hope of democracy bringing justice is a big motivation....
When 'democracy' fails then there is nothing to do or expect....
Your politicians knew about this for long time, some may also have been nurturing this situation, but I don't want to waste time blaming others.
The point is that Greek default may mean the end of Euro (as they say) and we are all involved... And now it is your money too...
The ones guilty for Greece's bankruptcy have to be punished and you have more power to do that than me... It is very easy to find out who they are: 2 political parties and 5-6 families... If Greek justice is corrupted and not efficient, a European committee or even the International Court could be the right way to go. For the bankruptcy of a historical nation, the burdens of the EU tax payers and the overall destabilization.
For us political reform and justice is more vital than financial support...
We are in need of a European intervention in governance, our political and judicial system has failed....
Kind regards
Michalis Vousdoukas
Coastal Oceanoghrapher, PhD, MEng, MSc